A clothing store's main products are, of course, clothes. All clothing stores, however, should also stock and sell leather accessories. While stocking leather merchandise naturally makes sense for clothing stores that specialize in lederhosen, it also is a good idea for clothing stores that sell non-leather clothes. Here are the benefits to a clothing store that selling leather accessories provide.
Leather Accessories Make for Easy Upsells
When customers purchase clothes, they'll often also look at accessories that go with the clothes they buy. Thus, accessories are a natural item to upsell. With the right accessories, a clothing store can significantly increase its average sale. Leather accessories are especially good items to upsell for a variety of reasons.
First, leather accessories go with many different outfits, so retailers can suggest the same leather accessories to customers who purchase different clothes. Second, many people want certain leather accessories. For example, leather handbags and clutches are popular with women, while leather belts and wristwatches are popular with men.
Second, leather accessories are affordable -- but they aren't cheap. A single upsell won't just increase the price of a sale by $1 or $2, which a plastic bracelet might. The amount that the upsell increases the price by will depend on the accessory that's bought, but it will be more than less-desireable, cheaply made accessories.
Leather Accessories Diversify Product Lines
Leather accessories also help diversify a clothing store's product line and increase its total sales. Not only will customers who are buying clothes possibly add a leather purse or wallet, but customers who aren't shopping for new clothes may come in to look at the leather accessories. People need to purchase a new handbag, wallet or belt when theirs breaks, and they may buy a new one from any store that stocks leather accessories.
Leather Accessories Expand Price Range
Clothing stores can also use leather accessories to expand the price range of their products. If a store has a gap in the price range of its products, it can purchase leather accessories that fit the gap to attract customers at that price level.
Leather Accessories Help Mannequins Look Good
Leather accessories can be used to dress up mannequins. Leather accessories are classy and eye-catching, so they're perfect for drawing customers' eyes. A mannequin that has a dress on will stand out more if it's also sporting a leather handbag, and one that's wearing a suit will appear incomplete without a leather belt.
For years, I worked for a company that didn't care much about what I showed up in for work. I would wear really casual clothing, such as a tank top and a pair of cut off shorts. Unfortunately, once I got a better job, my new employer was less-than-enthused about my choice of duds. She explained that they were trying to make the customers feel comfortable and improve the store culture and asked that I wear more professional attire. I started shopping for items that would look neutral, and I was able to find some pieces that I looked great in. Check out this blog to learn more about finding appropriate attire.