Starting your first year of college is an exciting and scary time. You may have many ideas about what life will be like living in a dorm or about what your classes will be like. However, one thing you may not be thinking about is how you can take steps to reduce the time and stress that can come from not having the right clothing. While you may spend a small fortune at the mall on clothing for your first year, the kinds of garments you choose can make a huge difference in how much time you spend ironing or waiting in the front of the washers in the dorm laundry room. Follow these tips for making your clothing choices easy every day during college.
Before You Start Shopping for New College Attire
If you have already visited your dorm room, you probably noticed that closet space is limited. With that in mind, shopping for only the basic essentials you will need for a week of classes is best. For example, don't spend a lot of money on several jackets just because each one goes with a particular outfit. Save space in your dorm closet by choosing one jacket that goes with everything. Denim jackets are a great choice and never go out of style. Keeping a heavier coat on hand for colder months is also a good idea, and it will not take up a lot of space in your closet. Follow these tips for helping you fill out a great wardrobe while minimizing the space you will need for storage in your dorm closet:
Purchase two or three comfortable pairs of blue jeans. Remember jeans go with most everything and can be comfortable without appearing slouchy on those days of long lectures. Avoid buying jeans that are too tight because it will defeat the whole purpose of being comfortable.
Leggings can be the best choice for those lazy mornings you want to spend studying in the dorm lounge. Leggings can be more comfortable than jeans and they are a step above sweats. Sweats are great for days you spend in your dorm room studying and are great for evening or morning runs in cooler weather, but leggings look good if you have to suddenly leave the lounge and run over to the library or to the cafe for a latte. Buy a few pair because they do not take up a lot of space and come in several colors.
Over-sized flannel shirts can be a girl's best friend when it comes to spending the weekend in a dorm room, and they look great with leggings or blue jeans. Buy three or four flannel shirts to take with you.
If you love buying shoes, keep in mind how much room you will need for more than a few pairs. Investing in a good pair of boots, a pair of tennis shoes, one pair of ballerina slippers, and a pair of sorority flips flops can be the best because you can switch them out between outfits.
Taking only the clothing you need with you to college is a good way to reduce stress in trying to decide between outfits, having enough room, and saving money. Remember to buy clothing you can wear straight out of the dryer so you will not have to iron, and don't forget to buy several pairs of thick, comfortable socks for those days you want to hang out in the dorm without wearing shoes.
For years, I worked for a company that didn't care much about what I showed up in for work. I would wear really casual clothing, such as a tank top and a pair of cut off shorts. Unfortunately, once I got a better job, my new employer was less-than-enthused about my choice of duds. She explained that they were trying to make the customers feel comfortable and improve the store culture and asked that I wear more professional attire. I started shopping for items that would look neutral, and I was able to find some pieces that I looked great in. Check out this blog to learn more about finding appropriate attire.